Teaching Courses:
1. Solid State Chemistry (CY 5220)
Syllabus: X-ray diffraction, principles of inorganic crystal structures, crystal chemistry and bonding in solids; preparative methods, characterization of inorganic solids: application of physical techniques, thermal analysis, electronic properties and band theory: metals, semiconductors, inorganic solids, color, electrical, magnetic and optical properties.
2. Inorganic Chemistry Practical (CY 5111)
3. Fundamentals and Applications of Small Molecule X-ray Crystallography (CY 7140)
Syllabus: Crystallographic computer programs such as SHELXTL, JANA, FullProf, Olex2, Diamond, Crystal Maker, etc. Crystallographic Symmetry, Derivation of Point Groups, Laue Groups, Plane, and Space Groups, Miller Indices, Crystallographic Directions, Crystal Lattices, Reciprocal Lattices, and Systematic Absences. Fundamentals of X-ray, Neutron Diffraction, Electron Diffraction: Scattering by Electrons, Atoms, and Unit Cells, Atomic Form Factors, Structure Factors, and Extinction Rules. Data Collection and Processing Strategies, Types of Detectors, and X-ray Sources. Phase Problem in Crystallography, Patterson, and Direct Methods. Refinement of Crystal Structures, Correction Factors such as Temperature Factor, Absorption Factor, Multiplicity Factor, and Lorentz Polarization Factor. Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD): Rietveld Refinement of Powder X-ray Data. Crystal Structure Description of Important Molecular and Inorganic Structures, Bonding, etc. Role of Symmetry in Predicting New Structures.
4. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (CY 5120)
Syllabus: Coordination Chemistry: Derivation of term symbols, nephelauxetic effect, Orgel and Tanabe-Sugano diagrams, Chiral Complexes, ORD, CD, MCD. Reaction Mechanism: Trans effect; substitution reactions of octahedral and square planar complexes. Atom transfer and electron transfer reactions; Taube complex. Organometallics: History of organometallic chemistry - Structure of TM complexes - ligands, hapticity, "18-electron rule", bonding, and orbital theory - Clusters and M-M bonds - Reaction mechanisms - Synthesis of metal carbonyls and complexes - Metal alkyl and hydride complexes - Metal-carbene complexes, multiple bonding between TMs - π-complexes - Metallocenes - Main group OM chemistry. Carbonylation of Alcohols- Hydrogenation of Alkenes- Hydroformylation - Alkene and Alkyne Metathesis. Oligomerization and Polymerization of Alkenes and Alkynes.